Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Step Up for Down Syndrome 2011

We attended our 2nd Step Up for Down Syndrome walk (previously the Buddy Walk) a couple weeks ago. I'm not really the best at posting things right after they happen. Life is just so busy, as I know it is for most people. Anyways, the kiddos all had fun and it was neat to see all the kids with extra chromosomes and their families.

Mainly Brian and I just did lots of running around after Alaina and Corinne. They are both busy little girls who unfortunately are usually going in opposite directions. Thankfully my mom was there to supervise Olivia so she could do some fun activities.

I don't think Alaina wanted her picture taken! Either that or the sun was in her eyes...

Alaina rockin' it out on stage to the music... This girl loves to dance!

Can't wait til next year!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Learning to Feed yourself is messy!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Going for a walk

My little cuties going out for a walk while we wait for Olivia's bus.

Friday, October 7, 2011


Tomorrow makes 6 years!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Down Syndrome Awareness Month

Gwen's blog has been hacked by her lovely husband Brian. I just wanted to let everyone know that October is DSAM. I love you Alaina and wanted to show that we support you in every way. Thanks Gwen for allowing me to do this post.