Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Our House

This is our new house in Virginia. We are renting for now until we get our other house sold then we will probably be moving again. Being that we are just getting settled into this house I'm dreading having to move again so soon. Everything will work out fine and at least when we buy a house I can be sure that we will be staying put for awhile. Also as you can tell we got snow last night. Doesn't Olivia look cold? She asked to go in after a couple of minutes which is amazing because she spent much more time outside in the snow in Colorado without a single complaint. I guess she has adjusted to the warmer weather here.


We went to Colorado a few weeks ago to spend Christmas with Grandpa and Grandma Harvey. Olivia loved playing in the snow and even got to build a little snowman with her Dad. It was so beautiful there and it was great to see Grandma and Grandpa. We all enjoyed the change of scenery from the usually snow-free winters of NC.

Delivering presents to Grandpa on Christmas morning:

Playing tea party with Grandma:

Brian feeding giraffes at the zoo in the mountains:

Friday, January 16, 2009


We moved into our new house in Halifax, VA about two weeks ago. Brian is really enjoying his new job and we are adjusting to the new place. We don't have the desk top set up yet so I can't upload any pics, but I wanted to post since its been such a long time. I also wanted to share with you all that today is a holiday unique only to Virginia. Don't know what it is? Today we celebrate Lee-Jackson day http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lee-Jackson_Day. It actually used to be Lee-Jackson-King day until someone decided that probably wasn't the best way to honor Martin Luther King Jr. Now back to unpacking more boxes (yes i'm still not done=))