This memorial weekend we stayed close to home. On saturday we went to a local festival that had a petting zoo. Olivia liked feeding the goats best of all. She kept pulling up handfuls of grass to feed them and the goats liked it. She also got her face painted and a temporary tattoo on her arm.

On Sunday we went to Poplar Forest, Thomas Jefferson's retreat home. A few weeks ago we visited his main home, Monticello. This one is closer to our house so it was an easy one hour drive with the kiddos and they both did good.
This picture is from the front:

and this one is from the back:

Olivia is now a good picture taker so Brian and I can get pictures together again!
Olivia posing for the camera:

Then yesterday we went to the local pool and both girls got in. I didn't get any pictures, but they really enjoyed the water. Alaina makes a funny laughing sound and yells when she is put in the cold water. It is too cute!