Olivia's preschool had their Christmas program on Tuesday. It was nicely done and the kids cooperated well for a group of 3 year olds. I don't have many pictures because I was holding Alaina and Brian was taking video. I never figured out how to upload video, maybe something I can work on during the Christmas break. Olivia's role in the program was to bring the stockings and hang them on the fireplace. Then came the baby Jesus and everybody sang three songs. One of my favorite parts of preschool is how Olivia is always coming home singing new songs. The girl loves singing!

Olivia had her dance program the week before. They had older girls holding long pieces of fabric while the little ones danced around the room. It is so wonderful that they have them to help out with the class every week. She has really enjoyed preschool and dance class over these past months. It is neat to see the relationships she develops with other children. Everyday there is a new story and a new best friend. Ah, childhood=)