Olivia is still very much into all things princess dress up. Every morning when she gets up it is the first thing that she asks for and I have to convince her that she needs to eat breakfast first so it doesn't get all over her dresses. She has even added socks as fancy gloves to complete her look.

We have tons of room here so the little red car has made a comeback. She wasn't really interested in it when she would hit walls every time she moved in it. It is so funny because she will use it to go to different rooms of the house instead of walking. Like if we are having lunch she will say "Hold on let me get my car" and then she will drive it to the kitchen.

Days when I feel up to cleaning the mess she will also paint or draw on her art easel. She likes to use lots of paint and then swirl all the colors together. These activities plus lots of cartoons and book reading is how we are making it through the cold weather here.